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 yoga & meditation 

Yoga & Meditation coaching sessions are offered at your home in Paris or at my home office in the 15th arrondissement near metro Motte Picquet.


Coaching sessions are personalised for individuals or groups. Workshops are offered in schools or at the workplace and are tailored for the group's needs.

Specialising in restorative yoga and meditation and mindfulness coaching -- for pregnant moms, busy parents, and students. Focus is on gentle, restorative practices, and improving your ability to do yoga and meditation on your own.

Learn how yoga and meditation can help you achieve optimal health, facilitate pregnancy and childbirth, become more productive at work and school, and how to incorporate yoga and meditation throughout the day wherever you are.

Fees for individual sessions

* 40 euros per hour at my office
* 60 euros per hour at your home

Fees for groups

* will vary according to size of the group
  please email for more info

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