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*** Names of clients have been changed. For a referral contact

My sessions with Christine began as I was in the middle of depression. I wanted to look into the links between gut health and mental health/fatigue.


Christine was a delight to be coached by. She gave me scientific explanations when I wanted them and not if I didn’t; she set me up on a food app to track what I was eating - very interesting; gently but without over insistence she gave me goals for reducing certain foods and introducing more of others, plus recipes.


I have kept up many of these good habits and a year on can genuinely say that Christine’s expertise and support helped me through a very difficult moment.


Enjoy working with her!

  • Helena, Sevres


When I first met Christine I was battling an incredibly off balance microbiome. I had been to the doctor and done a round of antibiotics with no improvement. I was exasperated.


Christine helped me work to reset my biome through nutrition and rebalance my bacteria.


She interpreted scientific articles for me and taught me about the good and bad bacteria in the body.


Through her help I was able to recover fully! I wasn’t sure that would ever be possible.


I can’t thank her enough. 

  • Lindsey, Paris

I can’t say enough positive things about Christine’s classes and her personality.


As a 40 year old woman my body had a hard time conceiving and even though my second pregnancy started well, my general health got worse and soon I had pain all around and as the baby grew on my belly my back and legs were hurting almost all the time.


I tried prenatal yoga as a way to deal with the pain and to connect with my baby. This decision has proven to be one of the best choices I have ever made in my life.


Christine had a great knowledge and is very supportive. She always made me felt safe and her nurturing nature and easygoing personality helped me relax and enjoy the exercises. In fact her classes were my sanctuary and the time to enjoy being pregnant.

  • Salima, Paris


Merci beaucoup pour vos conseils, votre soutien et votre aide pendant cette période difficile.


J'ai vraiment appris le pouvoir de la nourriture. En plus de cela, j'apprécie votre approche holistique incluant la méditation (et les tapotements).  Mon stress et mon anxiété ont considérablement diminué. Je dors mieux et ma peau s'est éclaircie.


Je ne saurais trop vous remercier.

  • Marie, Paris

Before working with Christine I was eating whatever, I felt horrible, sluggish, tired and gross (it was also the beginning of the pandemic).


She was kind and nonjudgmental. She guided me back on track in a manageable and sustainable way.


Christine created a plan I could easily follow. Each week I started feeling better and looked forward to our meetings.


And it turned out it was amazing timing. I fell pregnant several months later.


Working with Christine, I had set my body right just in time so I could properly nourish my baby and have an easier pregnancy.


  • Ella, Switzerland

I enjoyed Christine’s relaxed approach and I felt heard/listened to. 

The coaching was highly customised to my needs and suggestions were suitable for my lifestyle! This was the first time I felt I could really adapt the vision suggested and it could work out in my life. 

And I have already started benefitting from it. When I started the sessions I had no energy, felt tired and stressed all the time and I was hopeless. I was lost and I didn’t know what to do.


The sessions gave me precise, scientific suggestions and support/hope I needed. 

  • Aasma, Paris

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